
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to Start Reading Books for Beginners

"If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book" J.K. Rowling As we all know reading is a really good to enhance our style of writing and our speaking skills. As many books we read the more we gain knowledge and self confidence towards fluently speaking English. Most people find reading a monotonous as it does not show the emotions like Television shows so they quit instantly after reading one or two pages. So here are some ways we can start reading books Going for Easy Books As we are starting to read we should always start with something easy,which does not feel Boring . Avoid the books with tough vocabulary. Go for something which does not deal with heavy subjects. Knowledge of the Genre If you are starting fresh with books and novels you should definitely know your priorities with the genre, which will help you to read the books according to that particular genre which you are interested in. So if have your genre you will easily be able have a int

Lockdown In India

Lockdown The world has experienced  a lot of things over the year 2020. The term lockdown was used for staying at home during the spread of COVID-19 all over the world, this term was new to everyone, people were now in their houses locked up scared of the spread. People all around the globe left their jobs to go back to their home. The lockdown phase was kind of difficult for everyone.  In India the scenario was very difficult. On 23 March 2020, the Government of India under Prime MinisterNarendraModi ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days limiting the movement. And this nationwide lockdown made the suffering Forthe wageworkers verydifficult. They had to leave their jobs during the pandemic, they went back to their cities, towns and villages. It was a hard time for them because the sole reason for their livelihood was taken away. There were many such workers who could not even able to go back to their home due to the lockdown, the transportation system was closed so they