How to Start Reading Books for Beginners

"If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book"
J.K. Rowling

As we all know reading is a really good to enhance our style of writing and our speaking skills. As many books we read the more we gain knowledge and self confidence towards fluently speaking English.
Most people find reading a monotonous as it does not show the emotions like Television shows so they quit instantly after reading one or two pages. So here are some ways we can start reading books

Going for Easy Books

As we are starting to read we should always start with something easy,which does not feel Boring . Avoid the books with tough vocabulary. Go for something which does not deal with heavy subjects.

Knowledge of the Genre

If you are starting fresh with books and novels you should definitely know your priorities with the genre, which will help you to read the books according to that particular genre which you are interested in. So if have your genre you will easily be able have a interesting Novel or book you can give it a shot.


As nowadays comics are pretty popular amongst the teenagers, you can also give it a try. For reading comics it does not require a particular age everybody who is a comic lover can go for it. As comics are not monotonous because they have pictures and drawings, which attracts the viewers towards the story.

Read Articles

As I can definitely understand reading article seems boring but if you want to achieve something you have to try atleast. So try reading articles which will allow you knowledge not only about the vocabulary but also the happenings around the globe.


Magazine seems fancy to read, as it talks about various matters with pictures. Magazine have different types,here are three types i have mentioned.
  1. Business magazines -If you are interested in business and all you should definitely go read the magazines
  2. Fashion magazines - so, as we all love fashion magazines it is easy for us to gather idea from the magazine
  3. Computer And Electronic magazines- if you are are gadget lover you should start your reading from these magazine which will seeks your interest.


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