T ezpur University Student Council election, or TUSC election, took place on September 23, 2023, on the Tezpur University campus. Tezpur University is a renowned university which was established in 1994 .Election for the governing body is undertaken annually in order to welcome new fresh faces. After the establishment of the University there were no demand of election for about 2 decades untill 2013.The first election of Tezpur University had taken place in 2013, marking a decade since then. It was 2013 when the intake of students was increased, for the election process the Dean student welfare elects the returning officer every year,who further carries out  the process of selecting candidates. Where he alongwith his team elects a representative who will be fighting for which position. The returning officer manages every detail for the election like voting details,who are the eligible voters these things are look after by him.Around 5451 students enrolled in Tezpur University overall. Where the intake for male students is about 2392 and women 3059.

The positions for election was contested -(i) One President  (ii) One Vice‐President  (iii) One General Secretary  (iv) One Assistant General Secretary  (v) One Indoor games Sports Secretary  (vi) One Outdoor games Sports Secretary   (vii) One Cultural Secretary  (viii) One Literary Secretary  (ix) One Hobby Club Secretary  (x) One Social Service Secretary  (xi) Minimum one representative from each department (every 200 students, one  member) : Executive Member.

Where to be able to contest for the position of President, Vice President and General Secretary the candidate must have to be senior student from PG, Research scholar and for UG you can contest after 5th semester onwards.

In this type of direct election for the student council's office holders, all eligible students at the university cast their votes for each of the candidates.  [This method of voting is based on the report submitted to the Committee that was established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Government of India on the suggestion of the Hon'ble Supreme court.

Eligibility Criteria for election

•Where the candidate who is contesting must be regular, full time into the course no candidate will be allowed if not enrolled in regular mode  like distance mode.

• The candidate must have an attendence record of atleast 75% in previous and current semester.

•The candidate should not have any arrear paper or back paper.

•The candidate must have to have a clean report without being involved in any violence or indisciplinary activity.

• The candidate can only contest for one post in a year and even for the student council they cannot contest for the same position.

Eligibility criteria for voters

•All authorized full-time students enrolled in educational courses with a minimum one-year duration who are not taking courses via distance learning are eligible to vote.

• It is mandatory that your present your university identification card to the presiding/voting officer prior casting your vote.  

•No student assigned to conduct probation or undergoing a different sort of disciplinary action is permitted to cast a vote.  

•Before casting votes the Presiding Officer will be notified of the names of such students via the Dean of Students Welfare.


Candidates are allowed a maximum expenditure of Rs. 5000/‐ for the election process. The university will not cover any expenses. Candidates must submit audited accounts within a week of results declaration. Noncompliance or excessive expenditure can nullify the election. Candidates cannot use funds from political parties or student bodies, and if detected, candidature may be rejected.

Code of Conduct 

Candidates are prohibited from causing tension or aggravated differences, and should focus on policies, programs, and work. Canvassing in hostels is strictly prohibited, and materials should be hand-made. Processions, public meetings outside the campus, and using loudspeakers, vehicles, and animals are also prohibited. The Open Debate will be held two days before the election, and candidates must cooperate with election officers.

Pre Election 

Before the election process the campaigning and distributing pamphlets were done, where the candidates who were contesting tried to propagate their ideas or their agendas. Where numerous techniques and tactics were involved to be able to successfully reach every student.

Like any election, TUSC election was also divided into two side one being Patkai Men's Hostel, kanchanjunga Mens Hostel,Jiri Women's Hostel,Kopili women's Hostel , Nilachal Men's Hostel and the rest begin to the other side, whereas Subansiri Women's Hostel remained neutral.

So for campaigning process the candidates visited their Allie Hostel to encourage them and vote for them ,they even made Pamphlets, posters encouraging people to come and cast their valuable vote.

So every year the candidates go for an open debate where they express their agendas and ideas that they will follow . This year the open debate was held in community hall of the University alongwith the supporters of both the party. Where both sides of candidates voiced their opinion and was countered by the opponent. In one incident where Debajani Kashyap a candidate for the Social Service position , when she was given the opportunity to speak or express she faced the sexist, misogynist remarks from the audience which we condemn.

The second day of the open debate there was some kind of violence can be seen in the community hall amongst the audience between the rivals which led to the adjoining of that   day debate and breach in the code of conduct.

Polling Day

Therefore, the elections of this year for the students of mass communication and sociology were carried out on September 23 in the building for humanities and social science. Where Eligible students: 5325 (97.69%) Ineligible students: 126 (2.31%) Students and Students who voted (from eligible list): 2693 (50.57%) Students who didn't vote (from eligible list): 2632 (49.43%)

On the day of vote for fair and without any disturbance security measures were taken and looked into the matter as there shall not be any breach of code. Where the voters has to go one by one in the post before that they were given two papers. Where the name of candidates and for which post they are standing is all written, the votes just has to put a seal to the candidate and submit it in a box. There is also a rule that if the candidate who has came to cast the vote and goes out then they are not allowed to enter the centre.

      Number of Candidates 2023

  1.  President - 2 Candidates 

  2.  Vice President - 3 Candidates

  3.  General Secretary - 2 Candidates

  4.  Assistant General Secretary - 2 Candidates (Ineligible: 1) 

  5.  Cultural Secretary - 2 Candidates

  6.  Literary Secretary - 2 Candidates 

  7.  Hobby Club Secretary - 2 Candidates 

  8.  Social Service Secretary - 2 Candidates

  9.  Indoor games sports Secretary - 1 Candidate

  10.  Outdoor Games Sports Secretary - 2 Candidates (Ineligible: 1)

  11.  Executive Members for different departments - 25 Candidates (4 ineligible)

As it was very interesting to see for the first A woman was standing up for the post of President in the Tezpur University, this year the women's participation in the Students Council was also very encouraging. Although the women who stood did not won but being able to represent women in the election was also commendable.

Results of TUSC Elections (2023)

  1.  President - Niyar Pathak 

  2. Vice President - Nipul Kalita 

  3. General Secretary - Partha Pratim Kalita

  4.  Assistant General Secretary - Nirmita Saikia 

  5. Cultural Secretary - Sneh Meend 

  6. Literary Secretary - Dipjyoti Gowala 

  7. Hobby Club Secretary - Drishita Das

  8.  Social Service Secretary - Sourav Das 

  9. Indoor games sports Secretary - Ashutosh Yadav

  10.  Outdoor Games Sports Secretary - Tamoghna

   Uncontested elections were held for two positions, namely Sports Secretaries for the Indoor and Outdoor Games. 

The election process which took place for 1 week before the polling day successful ended with the students casting their votes.


TUSC Without any more wrongdoing, the election that was held to replace the former members of the students council with newly elected members was successful.This year's election saw a fair representation of women, and in addition, the issue of in-time for female boarders came up. Some candidates even made commitments to at least extend in-time in the future. The newly elected candidates will be held accountable for the welfare of the students and will serve as their voice in matters of authority.



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