
Showing posts from October, 2023


                      DEPRESSION                                  In today’s world every individual is suffering or has suffered from depression,Nowadays depression is seen among youngsters alot with their building pressure from Studies, workplace, relationship, family pressure According to the study The Times Of India has mentioned that about 43% of Indians suffer from depression. In January 2020 WHO (World Health Organization) has said that Depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 264 million people affected. With the time the percentage is also constantly increasing. Generally people doesn’t want to talk about their depression as they feel the opposite person will not understand their situation, somehow this thinking process is true because we live in a society where for any illness you  will be treated later but first you should be judged according to the society. As the society seems to have different opinion about depression,as they find this as a non


T ezpur University Student Council election, or TUSC election, took place on September 23, 2023, on the Tezpur University campus. Tezpur University is a renowned university which was established in 1994 .Election for the governing body is undertaken annually in order to welcome new fresh faces. After the establishment of the University there were no demand of election for about 2 decades untill 2013.The first election of Tezpur University had taken place in 2013, marking a decade since then. It was 2013 when the intake of students was increased, for the election process the Dean student welfare elects the returning officer every year,who further carries out  the process of selecting candidates. Where he alongwith his team elects a representative who will be fighting for which position. The returning officer manages every detail for the election like voting details,who are the eligible voters these things are look after by him.Around 5451 students enrolled in Tezpur University overall.