
In today’s world every individual is suffering or has suffered from depression,Nowadays depression is seen among youngsters alot with their building pressure from Studies, workplace, relationship, family pressure

According to the study The Times Of India has mentioned that about 43% of Indians suffer from depression.

In January 2020 WHO (World Health Organization) has said that Depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 264 million people affected.

With the time the percentage is also constantly increasing. Generally people doesn’t want to talk about their depression as they feel the opposite person will not understand their situation, somehow this thinking process is true because we live in a society where for any illness you  will be treated later but first you should be judged according to the society.
As the society seems to have different opinion about depression,as they find this as a non curable disease like something which will decide the character, for people it is easy to judge or to outcast the person suffering as if it is something which will destroy the lives of their own children if they go near to that person. So the society doesn't help to cure rather it bulids more and more pressure 

It’s easy to point thousand finger but never easy for those who is suffering. Because the victim  earlier was  fighting for curing depression but  now their fight is against the Society, as “the society” considers the person an outcast which leads them to a higher ground of depression

More than 1.39 lakh Indians died by suicide in the year 2019,
 67 per cent of which were young adults (18-45 years), shows the latest data released by National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB) – Survey given by Times of India 
Currently, more than 65% of those aged 18-24 years in India suffer from depression. The International Labor Organisation (ILO) has already said that if we don’t take timely action to stem the mental health crisis, India’s youth may suffer severe and long-term effects that will affect their productivity, and in turn the national economy~ report given by Science the wire in their website
Depression has over the years proved to be a sensitive period where you need your loved one's the most.
Some common symptoms of depression are:
Deep feelings of sadness,dark moods,feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness,appetite changes,sleep changes,lack of energy,inability to concentrate,difficulty getting through your normal activities,lack of interest in things you used to enjoy,withdrawing from friends,thinking a lot about death or self-harm
Stop treating Depression as a disease, it’s nothing like that, try to spend as much as time with the person suffering, don’t just let them be. Try to socialize with them, talk to them, go out with them . Don’t just ignore or outcast them.

Because your attempt can save someone’s life and your ignorance can be the cause of their life

“Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.” —Richard L. Evans.  


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